1. We will install theme "Hello Elementor"
2. Install plugins "Elementor" and "Element Invader – Elementor Template Kits Library"
3. Create elementinvader folder inside hello elementor theme, or some copy of theme, this will be as example where we will put our custom template library
4. Create tempalte in Elementor and Save it As Template
5. Export Tempalte for ElementInvader
6. Populate ElementInvader export form
7. Click on Export, Downlaod Exported File
8. Save it to previously created elementinvader folder inside theme and export to folder like on screenshot, attention to folder structure
9. Your custom elementor theme is now ready to use in your theme, this way via elementinvader plugin
10. If you creating your new theme, then you also need to be sure that client will install elementinvader plugin, this you can do with tgm-pa and here I will show you example how to do this
Link to download tgm-pa: http://tgmpluginactivation.com/
Example how to generate/download tgm pa for your theme:
copy zip into theme includes folder and extract, to get this folder structure:
in theme functions.php we need to load this tgm-pa now:
Now we need to configure tgm-pa in file example.php
First configure path to tgm-pa activation library
Then configure plugin which need to be recommended, so elementinvader
of course this is just example, yo ushould rename hello elementor theme into something else if you want to make custom theme, but this is not related to this topic.
Thats it, now you can zip this theme, and try install on clean wordpress installation
Let's for test create theme zip file
This will be results:
Example theme copy, renamed to: hello-elementor-copy.zip
Also Templates Author documentation for more details: https://elementinvader.com/docs/Author-Instructions.pdf
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