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Frequently Asked Questions

ElementInvader other frequently asked questions about our Marketplace and related tools. If you have any trouble or need help you are on right place!

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What is Elementor?

Elementor is most popular page builder plugin for WordPress with a live frontend editor, so you can design your web pages visually, without any coding knowledge.

What is ElementInvader?

ElementInvader is Marketplace inside WordPress Plugin for Elementor pre-build nicely designed templates, you can find wanted template and make page with one click directly inside WordPress Dashboard and after that with live frontend editing manage this website, change content / text / layout.

Does it work with other WordPress plugins?

ElementInvader is Plugin and also work with any other plugin. If template require some plugin, ElementInvader will automatically install and activate this plugin before creating page based on that template.

Does it work with all the themes?

Yes our plugin works with all themes, but sometimes differences are possible in templates because of css. We testing all themes with official Elementor theme "Hello" so if you are not satisfied or ahve trouble try to use theme "Hello".

What is template price?

For now we providing Free and Commercial templates for 10$ per one single page.

Who can submit template on this Template Marketplace?

Anyone can submit Free templates, but only Comanpanies can submit paid templates to earn money. Every template must go thru quality review check and our reviewer will provide detailed info how to fix issues to any submitted template.

Can we use it in theme project?

Yes you can use ElementInvader plugin to automatically import and create pages based on templates inside your theme, plugins will be also auto installed for great user experiance.

Can I create my own theme with ElementInvader?

Yes you can create own theme and submit to any theme marketplace or wordpress repository, then with plugin lib like TGM PA you will require autoinstallation of ElementInvader plugin so now you can build complete theme in Elementor!

How mush sellers can earn?

For start we plan ratio 71/29 so you will earn 71% of bruto price before VAT taxes, this is already best available percentage on market and if our Marketplace maintain price will allow that we will even increase earnings for sellers.

Can we talk on skype/zoom?

Yes we can also talk on skype/zoom, first please contact us via contact form and then we can arrange skype/zoom meeting.

Why is ElementInvader better then other Marketplaces?

ElementInvader providing inovative experiance for users to create page directly from WordPress Dashboard with one click, prices are all same and very reasonable. For Sellers we provide friendly environment with high earning percentage. Other Marketplaces don't want to talk with Sellers, deactivate account or reject templates without any feedback, our mission is different we want to be friendly and always ready for new suggestions and ideas.

How to create a template?

We prepared guide in this document: Author-Instructions, On any trouble feel free to contact us!

Template looks different after import, why?

Sometimes this depends on your theme css, we testing al lthemes with theme "Hello" so if yo uare not satisfied or ahve trouble try to use official Elementor theme "Hello".

I have trouble with ElementInvader plugin?

Feel free to open support ticket, provide wp-admin so we can take a look.

I purchased template, on how many pages can I use it?

On only one single page, every code received on purchase can be used for only one single page.

Can seller sell templates also on other websites?

Yes we allow that but price should not be cheaper then here on ElementInvader.

Can I remove template from ElementInvader?

Right now, removing is possible min. one year after approved, you can't remove it before once when approved.

Who is templates owner on ElementInvader?

Seller have full ownership on own templates, ElementInvader act as reseller and selling only licence key for one (any) template which can be used for any but only one template on marketplace.

Looks like my template is disabled?

Yes thats possible but only if there will be troubles with using your template, we will disable temporarly and ask you to fix issue.

I have trouble, can I receive refund?

Yes we provide refund in situations where you have trouble and our support team are not able to fix problem.

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